
What Should We Do When MCO Is Over?

When the MCO is over, what should the market do to continue with the social distance policy?

To the many learned people in the Majlis Keselamatan Negara perhaps some of these strategies have been think through or perhaps some of them is looking at China figuring out what sort of best practices should be adopted.

Here are my recommended list:

1. Upon the closure of MOC, banks, JPJ, Puspakom, Post Office, Wet Market, Hyper Market, Coffee Shop, Restaurant, Shopping Mall, Cinema and etc will be swamp by countless of people to consume these services. It is recommended government should set a clear guideline how many people can enter the premises in a given time and how many people can wait at the queue outside to maintain social distancing.

2. Government should encourage the operators listed above to start practicing issuing e-ticket via online mechanism days before consumer visit such centres to consume the services. E-ticket can be in the form of SMS or WhatsApp ticket. This will not only reduce paper but encourage consumer to book the services they wishes to consume ahead of time.

3. Government has to make a decision not to allow Ramadan Bazaar to operate because no social distancing rules can be observe in this kind of open market when people freely moves around. Selangor had made a very good example in banning such bazaar for the first time. Instead if Ramadan Bazaar where to go on, operator should be allowed to pre-cook the breaking fast food and pack it in suitable container and be allowed to operate via a drive through station to be setup by local government. This will minimize close contact.

4. Schools / Colleges/ University should be gradually reopen in stages. More senior classes students such as SPM, Form 3 and UPSR Students should be allowed to go back to school and students should wear mask all the time. Social distancing should implemented with table across each other should be kept the distance at least 1 meter. In the event classroom cannot accommodate such structure, live feed should be implemented with class room spread across. Telecommunication corporation should sponsor these live feeds tools and gadget as part of its CSR initiative.

5. We need to acknowledge that many city folks uses public transport to commute to work daily and upon market reopen, transport company such as LRT Pasarana, Rapid busses and etc should continue implement the guideline of 1 meter social distancing. Employ guide ambassador to guide passenger to queue while waiting to board these transport within the 1 meter distance. Mark places where passenger can sit and stand within 1 meter distance as well. Sound difficult because normally public transport is packed like sardine, but at the beginning of market reopen these tough measure has to be implemented. Ways needed to find and implemented to avoid crowding of public users.

6. Government need to continue to maintain social distancing in public worship places. Once mosque or church or temple reopen, congregation will flock these places and may cause another wave of pandemic to happen. A guideline for these worship places to operate must be in place. Distancing of congregation and the numbers of people that can come in at one time must be observe. Registration to come is a must for management of contact tracing.

7. Private companies must be given a mandatory guideline. Yes mandatory in law for them to follow so that these private companies can maintain social distances when business reopen to service their customer and to ensure safety of employee. One meter distancing between working desk must be observe and protective gloves and mask must be given to employee.

These are some of my observation that I believed the government should take as recommendation once market reopen to maintain social order.

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